CYSCA Membership for 2024-2025
Mission: to foster friendship, mutual trust and dynamic interaction between the peoples of Yerevan and Cambridge as well as their neighboring regions; to build links between them, to promote public awareness of issues of mutual concern; and to appreciate and accommodate the various manifestations of diversity in these communities.
Basic membership: $25__ Contributor/Family: $50__ Sponsor: $100__ Youth: $10__ Make check payable to CYSCA and mail to:
CYSCA Treasurer, PO Box 382591, Cambridge, MA 02238-2591. Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Name___________________________________________ Phone (h)_____________(w)_____________(cell)_____________
Address_________________________________________ Email:__________________________@____________
City____________________ State____Zip___________ Please contact me by email for important events__
I am interested in working in the following areas: Hosting__ Fundraising__ Publicity__ Events__ Arts and Music__
Business/Economic__ Open World__ Armenia School Aid Project__ Youth/Education__ Environment__ Other____